The Canadian Progress Club is a diverse group of business people and professionals giving back to the communities which have made them successful. Through volunteering and fundraising, we have an effect every day on local people in need.
The Goals and Objectives of the Canadian Progress Club
To create and preserve in the Canadian Progress Club a spirit of friendship that is sincere, helpful and enduring.
To uphold a standard of self-respect requiring that each member’s behaviour shall cause no reproach to be reflected upon those with whom they associate in public or private life.
To live up to a code of honour which requires business transactions to be in accordance with recognized ethics.
To make each Canadian Progress Club an association of men and women of high ideals devoted to the advancement of the best interests of the Community in which that Club is located.
To aid and assist those in need.
To foster good will throughout the whole of Canada; to aid in uniting all the people of Canada into a Nation that shall stand as one of the great and prosperous peoples of the world.
To show by leadership and example the pride of being Canadian.